Author archive: coll3297


Redress Raleigh 2012 Eco-Fashion Show – cast announcement

Colleen Ann Guest is so very pleased to announce that she’s been selected to walk the runway for an AMAZING designer, Rocket Betty, at the 2012 Redress Raleigh event on Friday night April 20, 2012 at 8pm at the Contemporary Art Museum CAM Raleigh (CAM) in downtown Raleigh. Click  here to get your tickets!!

From the Redress website:

Redress Raleigh aims to reorient mainstream fashion to be socially and environmentally aware, becoming a catalyst for major change in the retail industry. We question the status quo of retail – both the mainstream consumption of fast fashion and the unattainable high-fashion of eco-couture.

We plan to be the resource for eco-fashion in the Triangle – creating a network for economic opportunities, eco-fashion lovers, and empowered customers. Redress Raleigh enhances people’s understanding of eco-fashion and empowers them with relevant skills that will revolutionize the fashion industry. Redress Raleigh also believes that giving back to the community creates goodwill and plans to grow mutually beneficial relationships with organizations that help people in need.

The clothing selected for the show has a strong emphasis on eco-friendly design. Eco-friendly can be in the form of recycled or remanufactured garments, as well as using eco-friendly fabrics and production processes. The focus of Redress Raleigh is to promote wearable eco-fashion, meaning fabrics and textiles that would be commonly found in clothing articles, rather than non-clothing items such as cardboard, paper, plastic, etc.

Redress Raleigh is proud to announce the following designers have been accepted into the April 20, 2012 Friday night 8pm show at the Contemporary Art Museum CAM Raleigh:

Belinda Blakley of Belindabilly
Jana Saur of JBelle
Johanna Ely of Good Girls Studio
Julianne Applegate of JulieApple
Katy Deckard of Revolver Denim
Kendal Leonard
Kim Kirchstein of Leopold
Margo Scott of Rocket Betty Designs
Melissa Lowery of SSD Jewelry
Oami Powers of Judah Ross
Stephanie and Zulay Smith of Zass Design & Pilar Ramirez and Alejandra Dunn of PamOr Designs

There will also be a local fashion showcase as part of downtown Raleigh’s Planet Earth Celebration on Saturday, April 21st featuring Redress Raleigh along with other area fashion organizations.


The Difference, An Open Letter to a Client

It may seem like a peculiar way of going about it, but through modeling, I believe I can change people’s preconceived notions about beauty and value . . . and I can make a difference in this world. A difference to you (the client), the world around us, and in my own life – – because the why of modeling (as well as the how) is something I comprehend. Let me explain.

Years ago I spent some time as a retail display designer for a national clothing chain. I learned there’s a direct correlation between an artfully crafted display and the resulting sales – – but just because I had created a killer display didn’t mean it translated to killer profits. I had to be flexible and objective; willing to concede when my creation wasn’t all that, and then quickly move on and create something better – – something that sells; not just something pretty. Modeling is similar in that a model has to be prepared to go the extra mile to find sensational poses which stretch the imagination and yet she must trust the photographer’s (and/or client’s) direction and make adjustments on the spot in order to best express their vision.

It occurs to me, to be effective in this industry, a model doesn’t really have to be a particular age or size or shape (regardless of what the media tells us); she needs to understand the intention of why she’s modeling in the first place. It’s never about her – – it’s about the client’s creation and how she best enhances it. She needs to be exude confidence and radiate energy; doing her very best to share space in harmony with the product so that her presence is a compliment to the piece rather than the focal point of the shot.

Ultimately, the purpose of modeling is to entice buyers to open their pocketbooks and not just marvel at an artistic expression. When acting, I can use words and action to help me effectively portray a character and convey a story. I have come to greatly appreciate the higher level of focus required to do the same thing without those luxuries when I’m modeling. In posing with and showcasing a product, a model has to create a lasting impression that will capture people’s attention and inspire them to actually make a purchase – – with only a single frame to get the job done!

What’s more, it’s advantageous when the model believes in what she’s selling. My years in retail taught me that I can sell way more merchandise when the product is something I believe in than when I don’t care for it. Selling then becomes more about sharing one’s passion for an amazing product rather than simply trying to unload it. My personal preference is for consumer goods that are sustainable / green / recycled / used / vintage, etc. and I make a point to broadcast that as much as possible. Wearing and being photographed in those kinds of garments and accessories lend that much more credibility to my personal position as I proudly share links to photos on my website and social media pages.

So, yes; I’d like an opportunity to model for you because I believe I can make a difference. A difference in how your work is represented; giving a new perspective to the process and expanding your audience along the way. A difference in the lives of those around us; encouraging people to challenge their perceptions of beauty and to make a positive impact on the environment. And a difference in my own life; allowing me to grow as a person and as an artist through exposure to new people, products, and experiences.

Thank you for your consideration!


Interstellar Odyssey – cast announcement

Colleen Ann Guest is pleased to announce she has been cast as DR. OLIVIA HARRIS, PhD  in the upcoming feature web series, INTERSTELLAR ODYSSEY.

INTERSTELLAR ODYSSEY is an independently created web series in the tradition of ‘Forbidden Planet’, ‘Lost In Space’, and ‘Star Trek’ that chronicles the second interstellar Earth ship ODYSSEY as it attempts to discover what happened to Earth’s first interstellar ship the Columbus that disappeared during its maiden voyage to explore the Milky Way Galaxy in search of an Earth-like planet to colonize.

The INTERSTELLAR ODYSSEY web series is presently in preproduction and will be shot in high definition video using a combination of green screen with practical set pieces and Computer Generated (CG) interiors and environments.

Please join their website (link below) and follow the voyages of the ODYSSEY!

Interstellar Odyssey website


A model? A model what?

I have to laugh when I think about pursuing a career in modeling. Only stuck up, self centered, rail thin, statuesque, 17 year-olds aspire to model, right? Well, yes and no. There is a whole world of people of different shapes and sizes and somewhere, in some publication, they need to represented. And I’ve discovered that an interesting look actually translates better on film than just pure beauty does. Another thing I’ve discovered is that modeling REALLY stretches me as an actor. It’s hard enough to capture a character and emotion when filming or on stage, but take away the tools of speech and movement and a model has a 10 times more difficult job. An entire story has to be captured in one still frame. Everything has to come together; the emotion, the scene, the lighting, the conflict/story line, and the model has to use every inch of her body and environment to stay in character. Nothing can look forced or posed. It’s really a waaaaay harder job than people give credit for. I’m happy to be pursuing this modeling thing. It makes me a better artist and I feel like I can be a positive role model to other middle-aged women.


I Don’t Wanna be God

Questions linger.

Why did he lose his job again? They’re all strong in their faith and have been shining examples of what Christians should be. What purpose can this be serving in his family’s life?

Why did she die? She was too young and had so much life in front of her. Her family certainly prayed hard enough. Why didn’t God heal her?

Why did they get divorced? They were a perfect couple. How can this be what God wanted for them?

Pondering these (real) situations today makes me question God’s motives as I’m sure (if you’re honest) you do too. How can a good and loving God allow us to go through this garbage? Doesn’t our faithfulness to him count for just a little bit of favor? So many questions….

Earlier this week I posted a Bible verse on my facebook page: “[Trials and Temptations] Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1:2-3 NIV).

Perseverance? Perseverance for what? More trials? It seems like a vicious circle.

But when I quit complaining and airing out my questions and anguish to no one in particular and really dig into that verse and have a conversation with the Lord, I discover something. I discover that God, MY God, the father of our dear savior Jesus Christ, has something for me. He’s got all the answers to all my questions!! But he tells me that if I want to make the tough decisions and have my heart wrenched open 100% of the time, then I could do his job and have the answers too.

His job seems a bit tough to fathom, though. Watching people destroy each other spiritually, emotionally, and physically? Watching people destroy the environment and themselves? Watching a mother grieve a murdered child? Watching a father commit suicide because he feels inadequate for not having employment to support his family? Watching a child suffer abuse and become hardened to love? All these and so much more? And not just singular isolated cases, watching ALL people suffering these things simultaneously all day every day – – 24 hours a day? And not just watching all these things but knowing WHY they are occurring in the first place and having to chose how to interact and discipline and comfort? WHAT??!!!

Um, no thanks! I have a hard enough time dealing with the few trials that come my way along with those of the people I love. If knowing all the answers comes with knowing (and feeling) all the pain and making choices that I know will cause more pain but it’s the right thing to do, then I think I’ll just shut up, and consider it pure joy when I do suffer trials. Those trials produce in me the perseverance to get through this life and make it to the glorious home that awaits me in heaven. It also provides me the strength, wisdom, and empathy to encourage others on the same journey. Our faith WILL be rewarded – we just have to TRUST that God knows the answers and knows why he’s shaping us in this way. And knowing I have a loving father who cares enough about me to NOT tell me all the painful answers – to just embrace me in his arms and quiet my soul – gives me the courage to press on.


Autumn Dreams

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Patriotism isn’t dead

My day yesterday began by touring the book depository and grassy knoll in Dallas, TX where JFK was assassinated. I tried to absorb the awesome weight of it all while physically being in the presence of those historic places. Admittedly I was having to stretch myself to feel something more than a dutiful sense of remorse as a good American should. I was intrigued by the conspiracy theories and captivated by the pictures and videos in the museum on the 6th floor of the former depository. But since these events unfolded before I was born I lacked the real ability to feel the outrage and pain a person should while visiting such hallowed ground. That is until I stood in the window right next to the infamous window where Oswald allegedly shot the President. From that vantage I could see crude white X’s painted in the street marking where the bullets found their marks (where ever they originated from). At that moment I quickly and flippantly remarked, “X marks the spot” not comprehending what those X’s represented. Before that little phrase finished leaving my lips, I got it though, and I felt a huge surge of sickness and sadness come over me. It was a powerful image those X’s.

In a few short minutes I found myself in front of the building, with the knoll behind me and the Veteran’s Day parade going by. The marching band was playing the Marine Corp Hymn, flags were waving, and I looked at the time. It was 11:11 on 11/11/11 exactly 11 days prior to the anniversary of JFK’s assassination. Goosebumps erupted in waves across my skin and for the first time on this patriotic day, I felt like crying … But I held it back.

I reflected on why we set aside a day to honor our vets, both living and dead, as I traveled back home by way of a couple of flights across the country. That part of Veteran’s Day has always been real to me as my own father is a Korean War vet and I have several uncles who are Vietnam War vets. More than Independence Day or Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day has always held more personal relevance in my life and I try every year to reflect and contemplate it’s significance.

The final kicker of the day though, the one that made me shed a tear in true gratitude and patriotism, was upon the announcement by the flight attendant just before we exited the plane, that we had an active duty serviceman on board and we should all show our support by giving him a cheer. When he stood up, he so closely resembled my own son (and he must have been about the same age) that I realized the true cost of our freedom. I felt it quite painfully real. It’s not our ancestors who’ve fought and died or historical events that stir an honest sense of sadness and patriotism in me. It’s the thought that boys (that could be my own little boy) are giving their lives for me and people they don’t even know. They are bravely fighting wars to keep us safe and to keep events like Pearl Harbor, Kennedy’s tragic death, and 911 from happening again. I felt a mother’s pain and pride when that boy – no – MAN in uniform stood up and removed his hat in appreciation of our cheers.

God bless the USA and God comfort all the grieving mothers whose sons and daughters will never come home from the fight!!!

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Doritos Crash The Superbowl Entry

Video by James Kumorek with Mark Hanna , featuring Colleen Ann Guest and Andy Stahlbusch

Top! © 2017 Colleen Ann Guest
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